As summer is officially over, we are spending more time in our homes, and realising those projects we promised we'd get done by Christmas, have gone nowhere since March! Here's some suggestions from Katy on some fairly minimum effort projects that can make large impacts in your home. Hopefully this gives you some inspo to get going on those projects you've put on hold.

Bold Ceiling Colours
Ceilings are often overlooked when it comes to home projects. We tend to think about what colour we want to paint our walls, or how we want the floors to be, and go very simple 'Brilliant White' with the ceilings. But why not add some depth and drama to your room by painting your ceiling a bold colour. This will give you room an immediate statement feature, just make sure it is complimentary to the furnishings in your room!

Wallpaper in the bathroom
When it comes to bathrooms, designers often go with tiles or water resistant paints. However, as wallpaper comes back into style, and we see more durable bathroom-friendly wallpapers, using wallpaper in the bathroom will soon be on-trend. It is also pretty easy to rip out and replace every so often, so you can renovate your rooms and give them a new look with different patterns and prints pretty easily.

Tiling your worktop
Get down to B&Q or browse your favourite tile companies sale stock and find some cool tiles that you can tile over your worktop. There are sooo many youtube DIY videos you can look at, and get your friends involved, or if you are like me, find a tiler that can come over and tile the countertop. It looks awesome and such a statement in any kitchen space!

Curtain Prints
Zoe and I are very minimal when it comes to design, and tend to stick to bringing out prints and patterns in soft furnishings (at a push) like cushion covers and throws. However, we headed down to check out the House of Hackney showroom recently, and that changed our whole perspective on prints. One way approach to prints is in curtains. Why not go for a really daring, or fun print to add some character and personality to your space? We spotted a dinosaur print, that we both wanted to incorporate into our spaces (seriously!!).

Paint Your Stairs
Are you stairs a little dated? Or do they need a little bit of loving? Instead of adding a carpet runner, how about just sanding them down and painting them a new colour? It's such an easy way to transform your home, and dependent on how many stairs you have, is a home project that could probably get finished in a weekend! If you need some advice on paints or colours, drop us a line and we'd be happy to help.
